Introducing... The SisterHood of S.W.E.A.T 8 Week Challenge

- Printable workouts to take to the gym or pack in your suitcase.
- A digital copy of “The Sisterhood of SWEAT”
- Belong to Private Facebook page where videos, eating plans and workouts will be downloaded
- Take the guesswork out of what to eat with 8 weeks of SIMPLE and effective meal plans
- Resistance training programs for those that want to supplement with gym workouts
- Weekly live interaction and guidance to help you navigate through
Testimonials for the Challenge
“The Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T. healthy eating challenge is a great way to reprogram your body and lose those unwanted pounds at the same time. The meal plan is simple and easy to follow, and the support that you receive from Linda and the other women within the challenge circle is amazing. If you follow the program that Linda has created, you will definitely see results. I have noticed a difference in my energy level, how my clothes fit, and the dreaded numbers on the scale have gone down almost 10 lbs since starting the challenge. It is true what Linda always reminds me, ‘A healthy lifestyle always starts in the kitchen!'” -Kathie Koch
“Linda convinced me to try her 8-week challenge. She told me I wouldn’t even miss sugar and junk food, although I did not believe that for a minute (and told her so). I figured it couldn’t hurt and I was already starting to see results, so I’d give it a try. The base eating plan turned out to be pretty simple to follow and not only was I not hungry, I actually had trouble eating all the food at times! Even my kids fell in love with Linda’s recipes, so we were all eating healthier. And, I was shocked when I tried my favorite sugary latte after being on the plan for several weeks…YUCK! It tasted sickeningly sweet and I couldn’t drink it. Linda was right! With Linda I’ve lost an amazing 23 pounds, lost 6% body fat, and dropped 4 pants sizes. And all of this without starving myself and even having the occasional glass of wine. Challenge yourself – you’ll find it’s worth it and you’ll get results!” – Pam McGarvey
“I was at the point in my life that I had gone thru menopause and just didn’t like the extra rolls and weight I was putting on. I have always exercised. Walking on a treadmill and then elliptical. Doing sit-ups but all those things just didn’t seem to help. I was feeling age creeping up on me. I contacted Linda about her nutrition program online. This was the best thing I have ever done. Linda is so knowledgeable about clean eating (no preservatives) healthy eating. I won’t lie, it again was one of the hardest things I have ever done. After about a month, it became easier and I could not imagine eating any other way. I have lost about 20 lbs. and dropped 2 dress sizes. I love the way I feel and look!” – Kim Murphy
“Going into this challenge, I had a lot to prove to myself. I had recently, over the course of 2 years, gained 73 pounds. It was the heaviest I’ve ever been in my entire life. I had become the 4 D’s: depressed, discouraged, despondent, and defeated. I felt like a failure, and I was embarrassed by how I had let myself go. But when Linda offered the S.W.E.A.T. Challenge, I knew that that was my opportunity to get back into the eating right, losing weight game. The diet plans themselves were surprisingly easy. At the end of the 8 weeks, I had lost 22 pounds, which felt amazing. I felt accomplished again and had the renewed encouragement to keep going. It’s a long road, but I know that if I let Linda lead me, I can succeed.” – Kimberly Don