
"You can go to any gym but come to us and you'll have a plan." 

Train Like the Pros... Without the Blows!

Join the never ending quest for the coveted six-pack, an intense abdominal workout designed to attack all those problem areas around the midsection, including the upper & lower abdominals and obliques. It’s totally AWESOME!

F.I.G.H.T. is a MMA style fighting workout to get into tip-top shape. We will box on bags, jump rope, do plyos, use focus targets, boot camp drills, and some Tae-Box lindalu style; no complicated choreography. This class will also incorporate 15 minutes of ab work. This is a head-to-toe fitness alternative for women (this is a prime time calorie burner!!!). As a group fitness coordinator I have taught fitness-boxing for over 14 years.

Get into the ZONE with a intense cardio workout that combines the kickboxing skills & drills with aerobics. Jump, punch, TAE-BOX till ya drop!

Important Note* Gloves and wraps are provided. Soon you will want your own as you catch the boxing fever.


Monday and Wednesday 7:30 pm


Will resume in the fall

What are you waiting for?

For more info contact Linda Mitchell at 513-266-8511

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