THE SEXYFIT METHOD – SOS’s book of the month

The SexyFit Method is a lifestyle not a diet created by Zlata Sushchik Her book can be found at


Train Your Mind

Train Your Mind

You all know I’m such a huge fan of Podcasts. I love to educate , motivate and feed my mind when I’m working out. I feel this really optimizes my time. The mind-body connection is at all-time high when I get to listen to a great podcast and have an incredible workout at the same time. I highly recommend checking out Zlata’s podcast, it is well worth the listen. Here is a link to the show podcast

Without further ado let’s dive into what I liked abut the Sexyfit Method book .There were so many brilliant take-aways . For starters, every woman deserves to feel sexy in her own body. Self-Care is sexy. Finding your passion is sexy. Doing what sets your soul on fire is sexy. Feeding your mind is sexy. Nurturing your body is sexy.

Whats not sexy? Starving yourself, hooking yourself to the cardio wagon for umpteen hours. Zlata really teaches you how to get in touch with your sexy side without shame.


Blueberry Pancakes - TTHE SEXYFIT METHOD

Blueberry Pancakes – TTHE SEXYFIT METHOD

Secondly, Zlata really teaches us to nurture our bodies with delicious non-processed foods. I equally love how much direction Zlata gives her readers in her book.  She teaches you how to measure with a digital scale, calculate your macros complete with an extensive food chart and app to help you understand your nutrients and what you’re putting in your body. You can spend big bucks on very high-end professional coaches and still walk away with very little knowledge and virtually no understanding whatsoever about putting together a balanced macro plan. When you are finished reading THE SEXYFIT METHOD you will know how to measure, calculate, and track your macros. Zlata even has a whole section on meal-prep, grocery shopping, eating out, and food while traveling. In addition she includes a comprehensive graph  that will enable you to easily visualize your portion sizes. Zlata really gives you a complete road-map to healthy meal-planning.

Portabella Mushroom Burger - THE SEXYFIT METHOD

Portabella Mushroom Burger – THE SEXYFIT METHOD

I am overally psyched that there are a ton of overwhelming delicious recipes the book.   I confess the Tutti-Frutti Muffins are my absolute favorite breakfast treat. I love to make these they are easily transportable for days I need to be able to eat on the go. They are also great when I have meetings and can’t just whip out a piece of chicken and start eating it. Another thing I plan on diving into big league are all of her interesting dressing and sauce combos. I’m looking forward to livening up some of my bland fitness competitor meals. I absolutely adore the tuna salad recipe as well, its just so easy to make.  I also must admit for the name alone, The Buff Babe Chia Pudding recipe has really caught my eye for a try. If you need to get a hold of me this week contact Linda Lu’s kitchen where I will be busy whipping up some of Zlata’s healthy delectables.

I will be featuring Zlata on The Sisterhood of SWEAT podcast in beginning of February. Check back for the link

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